Monday, November 16, 2009

All clear for arrival!

I'm so happy for my dad! He harvested the biggest buck he's ever taken this weekend. We don't care that much about the size of the rack. It's more about the amount of meat! From what I hear, he was a Big'un! It took 3 of them to load the buck on the ATV. Can we say, "Deer sausage!!!!" Yum, yum, yummy!!!

I love eating wild game instead of the over processed meat from the grocery store. I wish it was more like the "olden days" of fresh farm meat. No antibiotics and steroids and stuff in the meat. The best chicken I've ever eaten was clucking an hour before I ate it.

Okay, so now with my dad's successful hunting trip over...and my sister-in-law is home from the Philippines...Maverick is clear to arrive any time now!!! LOL!

Of course now that there is no worry about all the family being home, Maverick is going to take forever getting here. Ha ha!

Nah, I'm actually not in too big of a hurry. He will get here when he's supposed to.

Although, last night I was having some pretty regular contractions for a couple hours, and then they completely stopped. And nothing since. They weren't painful at all...more weird than anything!!! My entire stomach would get really, really hard and oddly shaped for 20-30 seconds, and then stop. Crazy!


Old Dude said...

Just in case you forgot, bow season doesn't end until January 15th... So the "all clear" is really until then... I always wanted a new year’s baby, oh wait, I already have one. Never mind.

Jenni and Robbie said...

As long as we get the tax credit for 2009, that's all that counts!

I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that!