Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Old House

On this very blustery snow day I figured I would share some updates on our house. I was a bit apprehensive to get out in the snowstorm, but no price is too big for bloggy land. (we still don't have internet at home...and all of our neighboors are really old so stealing wi-fi is a laughable idea)

As said before in the previous post, we have a lot of work to do. Here are a lot of "before" and "current" pictures of some projects.

This is a shot of our family/tv room, with some of the work already in progress. Take a look at the wallpaper border at the top of the wall, and imagine a similar pattern it covering the entire left wall and front entry way. You also gotta love the vertical blinds.

All wallpaper is now gone! Yaaaay! We have also begun the painting process, so right now we are priming. I am sooooo happy to have the vertical blinds gone, but now we don't have anything covering the windows. So yeah, it makes it a little weird at night. But luckily you can't see in unless you are standing in our backyard. And if someone is standing in our backyard we have bigger problems than having no blinds.

Here is what the wall paper in our kitchen looked like when we bought the house. Again, I had already started to take it down when I realized I wanted to take a picture of it, so believe me when I say that it was EVERYWHERE! Not that you can see them well in this picture, but check out the fabulous spindles.

Now the walls are down to just the dry wall, and it's next on the list to get primed and painted. (I love how we put the dry erase board back up) I have no clue how to properly remove spindles either, but it was fun just to take a hammer to them.

Here is a window in our kitchen "before".

And here is the same window as it looks now. I still need to remove the wallpaper adhesive, but at least the twinge of yellow is easier to look at than teapots.

This is our front room (living room?). It is my favorite room of the house because I love the windows. (As you can see it's pretty snowy out those windows!!) We just got this table, and can't wait to have people over to use all those chairs!

Here's a look at the projects on tap:

The guest bathroom has...you guessed it...hideous wallpaper! I just went in to tear a strip off to see what I was up against.

This is the master bathroom. You may have to look away if the ugly starts getting to you! The best way I can describe it is that it looks like antique coloring paper. Therefore, everytime a friend comes over they can color in a part of the walls.

What you can't see is that the shower needs plumbing work. It worked beautifully when we first moved in, and then one day the water pressure went to nill. Since neither one of us has plumbing experience and don't have the money to pay for a plumber, we use the guest shower for now.

The fence in our backyard has never been in great condition since we've lived there. When it was originally put in, they did not set the posts in concrete. Therefore, the posts have rotted out. And now the fence is leaning terribly in some spots, and a large section has fallen over. Thankfully, our neighboors have a fenced in yard and don't mind it when Belle goes over there.

Well, I just looked out my parents' window and it looks like the inside of a snow globe outside. I guess I will venture my way back home so that Belle can go play in the snow some more. I took this picture right before I left for my parents' house. It would be fun to see if she would pull a sled out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really looks nice. I did not realize just how much progress you guys have made. I can hardly wait to see the finished product!!