Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello old friend

Wow, so has it really been 3 weeks since I last posted? I'm sure the world isn't missing anything by my lack of appearance on Blogger...but it's still nice to go where hopefully somebody knows my name. I've always kept the thought that blogging is more of my own personal release rather than anyone actually gaining anything by reading our blog. And Robbie, bless his heart has still yet to ever create his own post. Maybe once we have internet at our house he will be able to. He has expressed interest in contributing in the first person, rather than via his wonderful wife. :)

Anywho, we have been busy actually putting forth effort to obtain our 2009 resolution. Since moving into our house in October of 2007, we have kept adding things to our home improvement to-do list; while not yet crossing anything off the list. Our 2009 resolution is to complete the major items on our list. Most of it is aesthetic projects but very necessary. (believe me, if you saw the wallpaper you would know it's necessary!!)

A very old woman lived in our house before us, so not only was everything a nice tinge of yellow from smoke--the house was covered with hideously archaic wallpaper and equally hideous carpet (which got us a good price on the house but we were probably a little over ambitious) This horrible wallpaper was hung in almost EVERY room. Yikes! So it has taken months to remove the paper, the adhesive, and then scrub the wall clean.

I am quite sad/enthusiastic to inform you that 60% of the walls in our home are ready to be spackled, primed, and painted. I'm sad because there is still soooooo much more work to go, but I'm very enthusiastic to know that it's getting done and we will finally have a somewhat modern and clean looking home soon. I hope that whoever invented wallpaper has been cursed with removing wallpaper the rest of their life. It is a process that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

The thing I hate most about beginning the painting process is how it creates a chaotic environment in our house. Because everything is moved around to access the walls, it drives me insane to not be able to have a tidy room. It makes me feel like I'm living out of a moving box and creates a sense of unrest.

My eyes and heart are fixed on the end goal though. With every completion of a small step I do celebrate. Think of how accomplished we will feel when it's all done! Heck, it feels great that we have accomplished everything up to now. Go team RJ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go team... it's looking good. Keep up the good work!!