Sunday, June 10, 2012

This and That

Hallelujah, I think the worst of the nausea is over!!  In the past week I've only been feeling sick if my tummy is running on empty.  I am getting my appetite back, which is good since I'm still not back to my prepregnancy weight.  No biggie though, I've had the weight to spare! ;)

Let's see, today is Sunday...and on Wednesday I'll be 17 weeks.  Last week I went to the doctor for my 16 week check up and even though I've had no symptoms whatsoever of anything being was sort of a huge mental relief for me to hear that sweet heartbeat again.  This time Robbie was able to make it, and he heard it for the first time.  Also, my mom was able to come with us and hear it for the first time, too. :)

It was in the 140s range again, which makes me think it's another boy...but who knows?!  We simply cannot wait to find out!  I know there has to be something so special about finding out when the baby is born...but there is no way I can have the self control, haha!  Robbie and I have both been thinking girl from day one.  We are solid on a girl's name for sure.  In fact, Robbie keeps calling the baby by the girl name.  ...which means it will be a boy, ha!

The "big" ultrasound is scheduled for June 25th, so about 2 weeks away!!!!!  First and foremost, obviously we are most looking forward to everything being healthy.  Which brings me to a side note for a minute--I read an article online that really made me rethink the phrase "boy or girl doesn't matter, as long as it's healthy".  Honestly, I believe there is nothing intuitively wrong with saying this.  All of us parents pray and hope for a healthy baby, we always want the very best for our kids. 

The author of this article was just bringing a deeper meaning to the phrase because many times, the baby is not healthy or typically developing.  She is the mother of a child with special needs.  Her words were, "and what if it isn't healthy?"  I believe she just wanted to share her heart and let people know that it will be OK if things aren't "normal".  I wish I could find the article to link it in this post.  It's very positive and heartwarming.

Sorry for no pictures again in this post.  I have a bazillion pics on the camera to dump on the computer, just haven't gotten around to it.

Mr. Maverick has been up to a lot lately.  Mostly being Mr. Independent.  Everything is "Maverick do it!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he wants no help from mom and dad.  Which is mostly an awesome thing. (sometimes it is a disadvantage, ha!)  He is great with following directions and being a help around the house.  Going to the store is actually pretty fun now because I can tell him to put something in the cart and he does!

Now more than ever we really need to commit to this whole potty training thing. I'm praying this independent mindset will make it go easier...Lord help us, haha! I've always kinda had age 3 as a soft mark for being fully potty trained, just from using my experience working with preschoolers for a living. But now that we have a baby due exactly when Mav will turn 3, I know that could spell setbacks. I'm hoping that he will see how cool & big boy-ish it is to use the potty compared to the baby...but I also know that there is a possibility he could be jealous of the attention the baby gets when it has its diaper changed. All in all, I know he'll at least be potty trained by college. :)

His personality continues to delight me every day.  He is hilarious!  The things he says sometimes gets me and Robbie cracking up.  He is ALL boy.  His favorite thing to do for hours and hours, is play in the backyard dirt with his dump trucks.  He loves playing with his T-ball set, and doing somersaults.  He also loves to read.  There are about 5 books he regularly loves, and now he says, "Maverick read it?"  And will recite parts of the story according to the pictures.  I know, genius right?  Well...maybe just to his mommy.  ;)

His most favorite thing ever, ever, ever, ever in the whole universe are cars and trucks.  Mostly fast (and expensive) cars.  Every time we are in the car he points out the BMW's, Mercedes Benz's, Porche's, and in the rare moment--Ferrari's.  I'll never forget the day Mav and I were coming home from the store and he said, "Ferrari!" and I was like "yeah right".  But sure enough I looked over to see a Ferrari piercing down the highway.  Robbie likes to drive him out to the fancy car dealerships and they drool over the nice cars.  Mav prefers Formula 1 racing, but will do with Nascar if it's the only thing on. :)

Mav also loves going out and fixing the Jeep with Dad, and occasionally Grandpa.  Grandpa is the lifesaver around here.  I have some cute pictures of Mav getting all greasy from being "under the hood" with the boys.

Is it bad that I'm not freaking out about having 2 kids?  I feel like I should be stressing about the huge life change happening 5 months...but I'm not.  Despite knowing no 2 babies are the same, I'm feeling sorta confident about the next baby.  Like, been there and done that.  Is that awful?  Am I just setting myself up for disaster?




Old Grey One... said...

Maybe we should look for an "all good" birth, as we all know where all good things come from... just a thought.

Me again... said...

OK, all things...