Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baby #2 {The Details}

I've been writing this post since the day I found out we were expecting another baby--March 24th, to be exact.  It has been such an awesome secret to keep, but now we can't wait to share our joyful news with the world!  Here are all the little details I wanted to share, but mostly keep for our memories. :)

I apologize, it's a long post, haha!

Also--I wanted to answer a question that a lot of people might be curious about but are too embarrassed to ask.  When we announced our first pregnancy with Maverick, my mother told me a lot of people were asking her if we had used fertility treatments or In-Vitro Fertilization because of Robbie's testicular cancer.  While those options are certainly an honorable (and difficult!) choice for those that may be in that situation, we were blessed with Maverick (and New Baby C) the old fashioned way despite being told having children could be quite difficult after surgery and intense chemotherapy.  God has blessed us more than we ever imagined! 

The news still hasn't quite sunk in yet.  I still cannot believe that God has blessed us with another baby!!!  I am beyond excited with a sprinkle of the normal worries.  Will Mav be a good big brother?  How am I going to handle a toddler and new baby?

Before the test confirmed it, I had a peculiar feeling that I was pregnant.  Not really symptoms...mostly, through a quirky set of events.  First, was a very, very, vivid dream I had the week before I took the test.  You know--those dreams when you wake up and thinking it was real life, and you're all out of breath?

I was at some big party that was also a Blues hockey practice.  First--that is so funny to me since I don't really follow hockey, ha!  It was in some sort of lavish backyard...that was also a hockey rink.  There was lots of people there, but nobody that I knew.  But I was having lots of fun! 

Then a whole bunch of us sat down at a high bar table, front row to the hockey game.  All of us had a huge, bare cupcake in front of us.  Like--those huge cupcake molds that are actually for making a big cake.  Mine was chocolate cake.  All of a sudden this lady appeared with the icing.  She told us that she would spread blue or pink icing according to what gender baby we were having.  In my dream I wasn't freaking out because I already knew I was pregnant, and I was excited to find out what color icing I would have.

Finally it was my turn, and she squeezed one of those big icing bags over the top of my cupcake. 
The icing was pink.

(this was the best web photo I could find)

Then I started crying so hard in my dream, tears of joy.

And then I woke up, heart beating hard and feeling like I had just bawled my eyes out.

I didn't take too much stock in the idea of the dream.  But still, it kept coming to mind.  They say dreams about being pregnant don't necessarily mean that you are--but that a big change is possibly coming in your life.  A new idea, a new job, etc.

Now that I know I'm it a girl?  Honestly I would be very ecstatic for Mav to have a brother.  Brothers have such a unique bond and that would be so cool!!  But I would also be so very excited to have a girl!  Like, I would probably ugly cry if I found out we were having a girl, ha!  Either way, just so blessed beyond measure. 

Robbie said from the moment the news sunk in, he thought girl too.  And he's been calling it a girl from day 1.  Only because of the vivid dream that inspired me to take a pregnancy test, I'm thinking girl too.  I'd feel awful if it was a boy, only for the reason we thought it was a girl! :)

Another thing was that Mav kept saying there was "a baby in mommy's tummy".  Which, didn't really phase me too much because we've been teaching him that his Aunt Jo has a baby in her tummy for a long time now.  Plus, he kept lifting up his shirt and saying there was "a baby in Mamick's tummy".  But still...piqued my thoughts.

To add to the dream and Mav's funniness, I was so out of character emotional.  The littlest things would make me tear up and cry.  The night before I took the test, I was watching some biography on PBS about one woman who made it her life's work to get women the right to vote.  At the end when it finally happened, I was crying my eyes out!!!  Lol!  Robbie just happened to call right then and was wondering if I was okay, ha!  Little did we know...

March 24th, another day that will live in infamy!
I woke up earlier than I wanted was Saturday after all!  I laid in bed trying to will myself back to sleep.  Not happening.  I kept thinking about the dream and the nagging feeling of taking a test followed. 

Finally getting up out of bed, I decided to just take it.  It would be negative and the world would go on as normal...or would it?  I just couldn't shake the intuition.  Sooooooooo...I took it.  And it turned very positive, instantly!

This time I wanted to tell Robbie in a more fun way than crying in the bathroom, ha!  So I kept a poker face as he went off to work and headed out with Mav to find a Big Brother shirt.  I thought finding one would be really easy, but it took a few stops at different stores.

The plan was to have Robbie see Mav in the shirt and wait for a celebratory response...except it went nothing like that!!  My in-laws were out of town and my job was to change the kitty litter box.  Well, preggos aren't supposed to do that.  So I texted Robbie to see if he could come and help me change the box after he got off work (I think I said it was too heavy or something). 

Mav and I were waiting anxiously inside when he came in the door and went straight to the litter box.  Didn't even look at me or Mav...  He said, "Okay, sooooo what do you need help with?"  And I just sort of paused with a goofy grin on my face.  He picked up the little scoop and was like, "What the heck is this for?" and tried handing it to me but I backed away, putting my hands behind my back.

Then he was like, "Dude, what is the deal?" and I said, "I can't really touch any of that stuff." (still smiling)

And then it clicked.  He dropped the scoop and very quietly asked, "Are you pregnant?!"

After the initial freaking out (happy), he was like, "WHY did you tell me through cat poop?!!"  Of course I told him my plan, and it was him that messed it all up. :)

Today (April 11th) was my first prenatal visit for Baby #2!!!
It was agonizing to wait until today!! I was so nervous that everything was okay. Not because I was having any symptoms to actually warrant worry, but the natural mommy worry that seems to always kick in. It's funny that even though I've had a baby before, I get the same jitters!

Also, I didn't quite know what to expect at the first visit for a few reasons. First, with Maverick we did not have health insurance and made too much money for any assistance.  My doctor at the time (who delivered me, funny huh?) was so, so gracious about seeing us for free when I was about 12 weeks to let us hear a heartbeat and did a basic physical exam. But we didn't do any bloodwork, ultrasounds, etc. A couple months later we finally learned about, and were accepted into a clinic through a local hospital. By then I was about 24 weeks or so, and it was a whirlwind from there. I am so grateful for the program & services they provided, but it came with a lot of stress and headache of having new doctors each and every visit and not knowing who would deliver me.

Secondly, I am with an awesome new doctor now (Lord thank you for insurance!!) and was unfamiliar with their office practices. Some doctors do routine early ultrasounds, while others wait a few more weeks. I was hoping that we would do an early ultrasound, but didn't want to get too excited just in case we didn't. As the nurse walked me into an exam room with the ultrasound machine my heart was so excited!

After what seemed like a million questions she said, "Okay, let's take a look!"

As soon as she found the baby, I could immediately see a teenie tiny muscle moving rapidly. I asked her if that was the heart beating and she said, "You took the words right out of my mouth! Let's listen." (she is a very sweet lady) And then we listened to one of the most amazing, beautiful sounds this world can offer--the heartbeat of our new baby!! It was 145 bpm. If I recall, the first time we heard Mav's it was 140 bpm.
I was completely amazed that my baby's heartbeat could be seen and heard at only 7 weeks 3 days old!  The miracle of life is truly amazing. 

She explained to me that everything about the gestational sac and the area surrounding the baby looked "perfect". Overall everything was wonderful and she said she saw no reason for any concerns. Lord, thank you!!!!!!

I know Baby C is only the size of a fingertip here, but look at those cute little arm & leg buds!  The top is the head, and that little halo around the body is the gestational sac (eventually the placenta takes over).

Okay--now we're finally current with today (Apr 25)! 
Today I am 9w3d technically, even though according to my dute date I'm 10w3d.  Everything is off by exactly a week.  But we know, that we know, that we know when the miracle occured.  I'll spare you the details (you're welcome Dad), but let's just say the prior week an awful stomach bug was still raging in the house; plus I know my body's symptoms/cycle very well.  Not too TMI, right?!  :)

Although...Mav came a week I figure I'll just stick with Nov 18th instead of the 25th, haha!  Yes, November is going to be birthday month for us.  Crazy, crazy.  But it will be fun!

Also, I felt kinda nervous about spilling the beans earlier than 12 weeks.  We waited until then to share the news about Maverick.  This time that was the goal, but my intense all-day nausea made it very difficult to hide.  People at work were starting to get concerned, haha!  So this time we waited until after the first doctor's appointment.

I made these cute cupcakes for our staff meeting at work, to make the big announcement.  Cupcakes were appropriate, I thought. :)

Of course I got a few immediate, "I KNEW IT!!!!!" responses, haha!

Okay, I'm just about worn out from all this blogging.  I'm planning on doing weekly updates to have for our memories.  Here are some cute pictures I took of Mav in his shirt.  :)

Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter...a week late, ha!

Hello All!  Well, those couple of you who have faithfully hung around, haha!  Blogging has taken a back seat lately since we've been busy with holidays and stuff.  I promise to get better about it.  ;)

Anyways, so here is our family Easter...about a week late.  Family get-togethers are always really fun with my family--never a dull moment!  You know the Griswold holidays?  Yep, that's my family, lol!  And I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Just lots and lots of fun!!

We went to my Aunt Chris' house (or Aunt Kisses as Mav says, ha!).  She has 5 children--my "little" cousins.  Except for Jamie (my twin), they are all boys (well, almost all men now) that tower over me.  My late Uncle Jimmy (their dad) was 6' 5" (taller?) so they all inherited his tall genes. :) 

You know what's the best thing about having all those giant boy cousins?  They love playing baseball outside and entertaining a certain toddler! Also, they have a giant trampoline.  Maverick was in heaven!!!!

I enjoyed a tasty Easter lunch on the porch with my other "little" cousin Hannah (who I'm pretty sure is taller than me now, sigh).  We had fun talking & catching up while the boys played below.  It was nice!

The boys are always playing baseball or hockey.  Thankfully today it was baseball...don't need Mav playing hockey just yet. ;)

Every few pitches or so, they would stop and pitch to Mav.  Someday he'll be able to show those boys up, haha!

Then came time for the egg hunt.  Maverick loved it!!  I was relieved since the egg hunt at church was another story.  But I think he was overwhelmed with the amount of kids and the lure of the buses.  Grandpa did the honors of helping Mav with his basket.  The older kids (myself included) hunted for eggs too, it was fun!  All the eggs had a little candy and cash in them.  I donated my money to Mav's fund...but enjoyed his candy. :)

There is my happy boy!

He totally got the whole idea, and even tried putting a few whiffle baseballs in his basket, ha!

After the egg hunt, straight to the trampoline again!

Don't get any gift ideas Grandpa!  Unless it's at your house. :)

Mav's loot!  Is he spoiled, or what?  My parents got him the baseball themed basket; My Aunt Linda got him the Cars toothbrush set, bowl set, and Cardinal cookies; My Aunt Chris got him the Hotwheels, bath toys, and bubbles; plus the money from the egg hunt.

Of course Easter isn't about the gifts, just like Christmas.  Just a small, fun part.  Easter morning we read parts of the Easter story to Mav from his Bible.  Our prayer is that someday he will come to know the Lord. :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Crazy Day

Today there were lots of tears.  Maverick's and mine.  It was just one of those days.

I only have a little bit to type.  My blessed, awesome husband just took Mav to the playground for some "me" time.  I even have pictures from today, but I don't think I'll have time to upload them.  Just one of those days.

I was so excited about today since our church has a fun Easter celebration the week before Easter.  There is an egg hunt, lunch, inflatables, face painting, etc, for kiddos & families to enjoy.  Maybe my expectations were too high for Mav this year.  I thought he would really be into it since he liked it last year, and is one year older now.  Wrong!  He had no desire whatsoever to hold his basket, let alone hunt for eggs.  I didn't want to force him, but even gently trying to coax him over to the egg hunt--he would collapse into a fit.  Sigh.

Of course, I can't blame him for what he really wanted to do.  Every week after church we go explore some school buses parked near the building.  And of course this week that's all he wanted to do.  Which was cool...but I couldn't convince him after the school buses to go do the egg hunt.  I was really bummed out because it's one of those super cheesy mom-things that I love...oh well.  (Hence some tears on the way home--why is my kid not normal tears)

So after all that, we really wanted to go in and eat lunch and try to socialize with people at our church.  We hardly know anyone because we rarely get the opportunity to interact with adults.  But we decided just to leave since Mav was already in a crazy mood.  Plus--it is SO difficult to take him out to eat anywhere.  All he wants to do is be up & moving, exploring while we eat.  Understandably, he's only 2.  However, it feels like we have the ONLY 2 year old in the universe that doesn't like to sit down while eating.  (IF he eats.  I have no idea how he is so big.  He never eats.  Can't be bribed with food.  Nothing.)  So more tears on the way home.  Mostly--I'm the worst parent in the world because I can't get my kid to sit down and eat tears.

Then we suffered through the longest. afternoon. ever.  Mav was just so cranky.  And I couldn't figure out why.  Crying and fits about the smallest things.  He would cry if you offered to do something with him, but then when you walk away because he doesn't want to do it--more crying.  So I cried some more.  Mostly--why can't I help my kid tears.

And of course, no nap.  Just rolling around in bed crying.

Finally, Mav agreed to go to the playground.  Robbie is a saint and the best husband ever.

I know today is just one day, and tomorrow will be better.  Fortunately these kind of days don't come around often.  But when they do, it's hard!  Praying that bath & bedtime aren't too full of tears! :)