Friday, May 6, 2011

New Hideout and...Teeth

I can't tell who Maverick looks more like these days.  Sometimes I think me.  Sometimes I think Robbie.  A lot of people think he strongly favors my mom. 

Anyways, I am LOVING this age.  I wish I could press the 'pause' button for a little while.  He is just so stinking fun to be around, and it's so wonderful to watch his personality grow.  He's not as needy as a baby anymore, and he's not old enough to talk back. :)

Lately, he loves just randomly waving and squealing with delight at me.  It's like, every 10 minutes or so, he wants to remind me that he loves me.  Love it!!

This is Mav's newest obsession.  At first, we heard him screaming "Bye-bye!"  But we couldn't find him anywhere.

Then Robbie made a discovery.

And now the cabinet that was his "stuff to help mom cook" is now his hideout.  He still keeps all sorts of plastic and foil dishes in there, but has added his fake food and random toys. :)

Let's see...things Maverick is saying nowadays.  All airplanes are "bow-gas". (No idea folks!)  All balls are "bah-et-balls" (basketballs).  Bubbles are "bubbles" (one of the few words he has right, ha!)  At the end of every book, song, plate of food, and water draining from the bath is "Bug-gone!" (All gone!)

I seriously can't believe its May.  Where does time go?  Well, where ever it goes, it gets there way too quickly.

Random rant: my teeth HURT!
Granted, I haven't been to the dentist in like 5 years.  However, I'm really good about brushing, flossing, and the sort.  Not saying I don't have the typical cavity precursors, but it isn't cavity pain.  My teeth are SO sensitive to cold that it's really interfering with life.

Like, if I'm smiling outside and the wind hits my teeth, they ache terribly.  Any sort of cold food (ice cream, gah!) or cold drinks are torture.  If I take a deep breath in, but with my teeth clinched--that is awful!  But just the right side of my mouth.

I switched to Sensodyne which seemed to help a teenie bit.  And I am FINALLY going to the dentist in 3 weeks.  In the meantime I'm using Orajel and avoiding my most favorite thing of all: super ice cold drinks.  I could never, ever survive in Europe.  I have to have 3/4 cup ice, and then a little liquid.  

I googled "what makes teeth sensitive" and discovered that the peak age for tooth sensitivity is ages 25-30.
Hmph.  Who'd a thunk?!

Maybe I just have to bear it for about 3 more years.

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