Thursday, April 21, 2011

Eggs and a Giant Bunny

So, if you're friends with me on Facebook you've already seen most of these.  But there are a few bonus ones at the end. And plus, you don't get all the additional commentary on FB. :)

Last week our church (well, unofficially our church...) hosted Easter activities and a fundraiser after service.  I was SO excited for Mav to do his 1st ever egg hunt!  Of course, I forgot his basket.  Had to use my purse. That's why he is handing all the eggs to me...although I'm not sure he would've known to put them in his basket if he had one.

Before the hunt even started, the kid was totally obsessed with the stroller parked near us.  This kid has a weird fascination with wheels.  He runs after the strollers at the park.  He flips everything with a wheel over, so he can "work" on it.  He stops at every car in the parking lot to touch the wheels.  Today he even sat and played with the wheels on our curbside garbage container. 

He was pretty good about finding the eggs by himself.  But once he had it, he usually just dropped it again, ha!  Eventually he discovered there was stuff inside of it and was eager to toss the shell aside.

He was SO proud of himself with each egg he found!
I love the look on his face--tense with excitement. :)
By the way, he tried giving his egg to a couple car wheels parked near us. (sigh)

Okay, so my son totally shocked me after the egg hunt.

It's weird how Maverick is absolutely terrified of the smallest, and most obscure things.  (stethoscopes, Thomas the Train, ha!)  And yet, the most terrifying thing of all--a gigantic furry creature with bulging eyes--he loved!

He was a bit leery for all of 3 seconds.

I LOVE this picture!

Maverick couldn't get enough of the Easter bunny!!!
He followed him (or her, ha!) everywhere for the rest of the time we were there.

Besides the egg hunt and fundraiser lunch, they had all sorts of activities for families.  We tried to coax Mav into the bouncy house with Robbie (there were no other kids inside).  But he wasn't having it.  All he wanted was the giant inflated balls on top.

I can't believe how big this kid is getting.
It's seriously unfair how fast he grows!

Robbie and Mav had fun chasing each other all the way to the Jeep when it was time to go.

We happened to park near this bus and Mav was enthralled, of course, with the wheels.

I don't even want to start thinking of him riding one of these anytime soon.  My sweet baby boy is growing into the awesomest little dude.

Robbie and I were just talking tonight that even in the past week alone, how much more of Mav's personality is developing.  He is a rock star. :)

1 comment:

Old Dude said...

It's really no surprise that he liked the Easter Bunny... I bet he grows up "loving" rabbit...