Thursday, April 14, 2011

Childhood Past in the Present

This morning I got out the rest of my Fisher-Price "Little People" toys.  It is SO crazy to think how many hours I played with these!  Even more unfathomable--my own child is playing with them now.  Getting them out brought back sooooo many wonderful memories.  And Maverick already loves them too. (I know, I gotta make sure he doesn't put the people in his mouth. Hence the reason why the "Little People" today are so huge!)

Look how much he was slobbering!  He's been a little more on the slobbery side lately with his molars coming in, but when I got these toys out it was like he forgot to close his mouth. :)

Once I showed him this little merry-go-round, it was all over.  He didn't want to play with anything else!

Do you remember any of these toys?!  I am SO glad my mom and dad kept these over the years.  This is a school house and the side folds down for a chalkboard.

Maverick has been playing with this barn for a while.  He likes to stuff the roost full of toys.  When the doors open, it "moo's" like a cow.

I must have filled that swimming pool with actual water...a million times!
The playground is pretty fun too.  If you set a person on the green stump then press that little white button, they fall over and go down the slide.

Mav has been playing with this for a while too, and he loves how the eyes move when it rolls.  This bus was one of my favorites!  I can very vividly remember loading all the people on the bus and sending them to school. :)

Okay, so this picture actually makes this house look pretty creepy, ha!  Can you tell how "loved" it was?  It is SO worn out.  It was played with every. single. day.  When my sister got grounded to her room, we'd open the house so that half would be in the room and half would be in the hallway....that was our solution to still having someone to play with.  Pretty genius, I think! :)

I loved (still do) all the details on the walls.  This is probably silly, but I used to pretend that little girl in the door window was the neighbor who wanted to come over and play.

I think the reason why I loved that little house so much, was because it was similar to our house. (not the candelabra of course, ha!)

Mav has his own little town now too!

Here's something to celebrate--I think we're a binky free house!

Of course, it hasn't quite been 24 hours.  But it's looking like it will be a smooth transition.  For a long time now, he's only used it for nap and bedtime.  And even then, when it fell out, it just stayed out.

I was kinda apprehensive about taking it out of the routine.  Wasn't sure how he would soothe himself.
But he did super!

I got a little teary eyed at bedtime last night, after he fell right asleep without it.  The binky is like the last "babyhood" thing to get rid of.  Sniffle sniffle!


Now feeling very old dude said...

Hmmm, and I always thought the dog had peed, but it was actually you walking around the house and filling up your swimming pool!!! Who would of thunk...

Jenni and Robbie said...

Ha ha! I never knew that! Yeah, it was most likely me. Hopefully the dog didn't get into trouble. :)