Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Week!!

Okay, so I've been slacking on the blog front. Again. Sorry!!  All I can say is that all my free time recently has been spent on getting our house ready for Maverick's FIRST birthday!  I don't want to make excuses, but it is SO hard to keep a clean house when you have a toddler and work full time, and volunteer time at church, etc, etc.  I have no idea how some people do it!!

Really, it's not that bad.  Really.  It's my front room carpet that has been my biggest pain.  Our dog has completely destroyed that carpet over the past couple of years by "pleasantly" reminding us that its her territory.  Even though I instantly clean it up, the smell lingers.  I've tried everything to get the smell out (including shampooing it twice this week), but unfortunately I think it's all the way down to the padding too.  Currently I have a paste of baking soda and vinegar rubbed into it to set overnight.  I googled "how to get urine smell out of carpet" and kept seeing that recipe, so hopefully it will work!   

On to WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more exciting news:

Maverick took his FIRST STEPS yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was completely unexpected.  He hasn't really been able to stand by himself longer than 5-10 seconds without falling.  I was sitting on the carpet watching a movie, and Mav was standing at the computer desk.  He let go and took a step toward me to get to my cell phone.

I almost shattered the windows with the most magnificent squeal!  Maverick giggled too, ha!  He thought it was so hilarious that when I stood him up, he did it again!!  The second time he took 3 steps to the diaper box.

I was SO proud, and so elated.  I reeeeeeeeeeally wish that I could've captured it on film.  Even if I had a video camera, wouldn't have gotten to it.  So it's just a special memory for me. :)  Robbie was at work, and was super bummed that he missed it.  Especially since we've tried to get him to walk since....and he hasn't.  Robbie is starting to think I made the whole thing up, ha!

Since then, we've been able to get him to stand by himself for longer periods of time.  He likes to stand and clap his hands.  There is just something so miraculous about being able to stand on two feet.  Sounds silly, I know.  But it's SO amazing to see this creature who was so helpless not that long ago, be able to stand tall and take a step.  Just think, giraffe mommas experience that within hours of meeting their baby, lol!

I can't believe that its Thanksgiving week.  Craaaaaazy!  I think I've made it known how MUCH I love this holiday...but just in case you didn't know...I LOVE, love, looooooooooove Thanksgiving! :)

I love gathering with my wonderful family and remembering what I'm thankful for.  Even though I always start my prayers with words of thanksgiving and praise, I love really focusing on it this time of year.  And it's also the holiday with the BEST food!  hee hee!  I'm in charge of the green bean casserole this year.

One very special memory I have about this holiday of course is Maverick's birth.  How could his birthday be more appropriate?  My favorite holiday and a full day set aside for Giving Thanks.  God's timing is always perfect, and his sense of humor is the best.  I remember having non-stress tests twice a week towards the end of my pregnancy (because of the gestational diabetes), and the only thing that would get Mav moving was talking about Thanksgiving food.  Little did we know...

I suppose I should save the rest of my memories for his birthday post on Friday.  Unbelievable that a year has passed!!  It seriously seems like it was just yesterday that a nurse woke me up a few hours after having him, and Maverick & I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade while I ate breakfast and Robbie slept on the tiny couch next to us. :)

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