Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy 8 Months Maverick!

Today Maverick is 8 months old!
Here is what he's been up to lately...

(mommy made my onesie!)
-I weigh about 22 pounds, and if my mom had to guess she'd say I'm about 30 inches long (I've grown SO much! I'm as big as an average 1 year old!)
-I wear 9-12 month clothing
-My diapers are size 3

-I am crawling all over the place! My mom and dad often say, "How did you get over there?!"
-I love to walk while my mom and dad hold my hands.
-My favorite thing to do is go swimming!!! I like to float on my back and kick my legs.

-I "talk" all the time now. I say "ba-ba, da-da, pa-pa" and occasionally a "ma-ma".
-I like to sing! When I hear music I say "uhhhhhh" in the tone.
-I love to blow raspberries and soak my shirt with spit.

-I am SO fascinated with my dog Belle, but Belle still isn't too sure about me. Maybe it's because I pull her hair when I'm trying to pet her. Even if I'm crying, I'll stop if Belle walks by.
-I like to hold Belle's leash from my stroller when we go on walks.
-I work so hard to crawl to her, but she moves when I get close enough to pull her hair.

-I'm trying out a sippy cup, but will only drink a couple ounces from it if my mom coaxes me into it.
-My favorite lunches are vegetable beef, chicken and noodles, apples and chicken, and turkey and rice.

-To celebrate my 8 months, I pulled myself up from sitting today! My mom has never seen me do that before!! I think she may adjust my crib tonight! I think I freaked her out a little bit.

-I just started sitting on top of my scooter and I like it when mom or dad pushes me. I try to get myself to go forward, but I haven't quite figured it out yet. Mom is always there when I wiggle too crazy and fall off.


Old dude said...

Another great update!!! Thanks

Klane said...

Just wanted to say Hi and say Maverick is SUPER cute!

Jenni and Robbie said...

Aw, thanks guys! Sorry if I'm just now commenting on your comments. (that is sort of redundant, huh?)