There is no need to tear through soft tissue like that, my teeth friends! Everyone would appreciate it if you would make yourself known just a little more calmly.
I love his toothy grin!
It's funny to watch Mav realize he has teeth now. He makes this face a lot:
He likes to feel his new pearly whites with his tounge. He also has little cuts on his hands from chewing on them.
This is a shout out to my Aunt C who gave me this laundry basket at my baby shower. Maverick has turned it into a boat to play in, ha! He likes it when I push him down the hallway or around the kitchen floor.
I have to be careful though, cause he will stand up in it and tip it over. Mav's already gearing up to be a pirate!
Tonight was Maverick's first visit to one of my favorite pizza places, and a tradition in my family. I grew up in north St. Louis county, and our favorite pizza eatery was (and still is!) Pirrone's Pizza. They are still there, but now they have expanded to where we live now. That's where we went to eat tonight, and it was deeeeeelicious!
(Of course that's the Cardinals game on in the background! Today they retired our beloved Whitey's number. He was recently elected into the baseball Hall of Fame)
He liked the taste of the sauce, and had fun crumbling the crust in his hand.
Not too much longer until he can have his own slice! Especially now that he has two teeth. :)