Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not the Iditarod...but maybe someday?

Ray and Belle! Ray visited for the weekend while his mom and dad were in Seattle.

We've been wanting to introduce our Belle to sled pulling (mushing) for a little while now. Doing some research on how to do it properly, we are excited to learn that it really doesn't take very expensive equipment to get started. We are also looking to see if we can join an area dog sled organization to meet people who can help us make it the best situation for Belle.

From what we've learned, we will probably start out with a basic harness and a 3-wheel sled. It looks something like this:

Not that we would ever compete in the Iditarod, but Belle loves to run. Loooooooooves to run! During our last big snow, we took her out on a 2 mile hike, and she was in heaven. So hopefully you will see us rolling down the street soon!

1 comment:

Old Grey One said...

Is your dog possessed or is its tongue stuck to the sofa???

Which dog is sleeping:
The one on the right
The one on the left

If you answered both, you are todays winner!!!