Monday, October 20, 2008

Dogs don't do that in real they?

Our dog Belle never ceases to amaze us, nor let a dull moment occur. I hate to sound like one of those annoying dog owners who thinks that every little poopie or bark is a message from heaven, but Belle really is spectacular. You might want to try asking me this question again after she has chewed on my flip flops, because you will likely hear a different answer. I don't know what it is about my flip flops. She only likes to chew my flip flops. This is why I stopped investing in the expensive pairs a while ago.

Belle has to take 2 pills daily for her urinary incontinence, and she gets a little treat when she takes her pill without problem. Normally she gets kibble-sized training reward treats, but sometimes she gets a Milkbone. For most dogs a Milkbone is nothing to write home about. One gulp and its gone. For Belle its a huge deal and we don't know why. She has to go lay down and hold it between her front paws and eat it as if it were a steak bone.

The other night she did something new, and something we've never seen a dog do in real life. In cartoons or commercials you often see a dog take a bone and bury it in the backyard. Ha ha cute...but have you ever seen a dog actually do this? I cannot remember a time in my life when I haven't owned a dog, let alone watch one of them bury something in the backyard with or without the intention to get back to it later.

Going back to the Milkbone. Belle received her treat (this time a Milkbone) for taking her medicine. She immediately scratched on the door to go outside this time for whatever reason. She darted out the door with the Milkbone sticking out of her mouth like a cigar and ran to the grass by the porch. Then, as if she was Belle the cartoon dog, began digging with her front paws and dropped the Milkbone in the hole. With pushes of her nose she covered the hole back up with dirt and grass. Robbie and I watched from the window in complete awe. Not that we should have been in shock for a seemingly simple act; but again, we've never seen a dog do this in real life. Plus, we've owned Belle for almost a year and have never witnessed this before.

When Belle was done burying her treasure, she looked around to make sure no one saw where she buried it. Just like on t.v.

The next day she looked around before she went to dig her Milkbone back up (so the squirrels don't find it??) to enjoy eating it like a steak bone on the porch. I guess Belle heard about the economic recession and is doing her part to make her treats last longer.

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