Friday, June 6, 2008

1st anniversary

This has got to be a record for me, look how many posts I've made just this week! It must be that I have time on my hands....hmmm. Anyway, on May 26 Robbie and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary. He suprised me with the plans to go horseback riding...but unfortunately that got rained out on our actual anniversary. So we went this past Sunday. I can't say enough thank-you's to the owners of this ranch, because they let us go horseback riding for however long we wanted, and where-ever we wanted on the ranch, by ourselves.

I was a bit nervous about being on our own because I've had a pretty bad experience horseback riding before. Let's just say it involved being tossed off and having to walk back a couple miles in mud & poo. But the horses they let us ride were amazing. Robbie rode "Ginger" and I rode "Red". They were very sweet and obedient. Robbie always suprises me with the best ideas!

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