Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's been a Jeep Winter

So, this winter has been extra snowy around here!
I'm the sort of person that likes snow for Christmas, and then wants to part ways with the white stuff.  Unfortunately we get all of our big snows in January and February.  2011 has been an extra snowy year, and it's about to get snowier.  They are saying the next couple of days will bring us a "historic" snow and one to rival the big snow of 1982. (not to depress you, but I wasn't alive for that one)

 We picked a great time to buy our new Jeep!  (Above is Robbie driving in his Jeep to work.  To sell bicycles, in a foot of snow.  He's dedicated!)  I've had some pretty scary experiences driving in snow and I can say that my new Jeep has been SO awesome.  For the months and months, and months we took shopping for my new vehicle I was very picky about 4-wheel drive and snow driving capability.  It has certainly paid off! :)
 I love this picture because it looks like we live in the mountains!  Let's see this is from about a week and a half ago, and I think we got about 8 or 9 inches of snow.  This "snowmaggedon", "snowpocalypse", or "snowiccane", being forecast for tomorrow is saying we're going to get a pretty thick coat of ice and then 10-15 inches of snow.  We'll see if it actually happens!
Of course our Belle LOVES it!!! (she is sprinting the perimeter of the backyard) We can't get her to come inside sometimes.  She likes to dig a little hole and sleep in it for hours.  It's a shame she doesn't live in Siberia, ha!

Maverick hasn't been out in the snow too much because it's been so stinking cold.  Maybe if it was going to be more close to the 30 degree mark instead of 1 degree (the low on Thursday!).

Be careful out there!  I wish everyone could have snowdays!

1 comment:

Old Grey One... said...

Maverick and I are going sleding later this week. I have a great hill in the backyard... I might even hook Belle up to it and let her cart him around. Hope your sled has a seat belt!!!