Monday, March 9, 2009

I might not answer my phone because I'm watching DWTS

So I must come clean with my guilty pleasure. Before I was a closet DWTS fan, but I feel that this season is going to be so great that it is safe to come out. :) Here is my pick for the winner:

But I must say that I am quite excited to see the rest of the cast. I am proud of Steve-O. It took a lot of guts for him to come out with a serious attitude about the competition, and I'm glad that he is taking steps to clean up his life.

I'm thinking that the first to go will be Steve Wozniak. He had a great attitude, but I think that he should stick to counting his billions of dollars. (maybe donate some to us)

So was anyone else totally shocked with the announcement that Melissa Rycroft would be taking Nancy O'Dell's place? I'm not. Temporary "it" girl = ratings boost. Punch my ticket, I'm happy to take the ride. (she did great!)

Poor Robbie. He is going to be collateral damage. (as he was with American Idol) He gets sucked into it because I'm watching it. But wait--he will totally get into it. He always does.

Robbie and I were discussing how DWTS is rather unfair. I mean, people totally get votes because they are more popular--not necessarily because they can dance better. At least at first, until it gets weeded down to the top 6. So people like David Allen Grier won't really do as well as they should.

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